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Thursday 17 May 2012

The Elegance of Elk!

The Elegance of Elk!
By Lee-Anne Peters

It’s that time again, yes, every second Thursday I host Meditation Hour on my Internet Radio show! This week we are connecting with ELK – and how perfectly timed this will be. I have decided to run an article about each animal/insect we connect with on meditation day so you can get familiar with the animal before the radio show. 
Please consider that like numbers, colours and other things, animals will mean something different to everyone. It will mainly depend on your experience with these animals. So, what does ELK mean to you? Have you had a personal or etheric experience with ELK before? Please share, I would LOVE to hear all about it.

ELK Medicine
ELK is such an elegant, noble and strong creature. The animal of great strength, power and stamina, ELK can run for great periods of time at a fast trotting pace. One of ELK’s primary defenses is to outrun its predators.

If ELK comes into your life is could me that you are about to hit your stride. Or perhaps ELK has shown up to teach you how to pace yourself more effectively. ELK is in his power during fall / autumn when he goes into rut. Every other time of the year ELK stays in groups with other males (and females with females), however not during rut season. ELK may show up in your life right now to encourage you to keep company of the opposite gender occasionally for balance. Also it may symbolise the importance of companionship or group support right now.

During rutting season the neck of the male swells and all throughout the area his bugle call can be heard. It is a way of declaring territory and affirming the relationship with the females. The ELK are also extremely protective of their young.

ELK medicine may have come forth in your life right now to teach you how to stand up for yourself, speak the words you must say and interact with groups. We are reminded of balancing our connections and relationships with others, to pace our projects and to stand tall in our elegance, strength and personal power.

Connect deeper with ELK medicine during my Meditation radio show today. Click on the link to learn your time zone to listen live. Or if you have missed the live show, this same link will take you to the archive for listening anytime. LISTEN HERE to Meditation Hour { ELK }

Reference: Animal Speak, Ted Andrews ISBN 9780875420288

Lee-Anne Peters is an author, artist, mentor, speaker and radio host. Lee-Anne has been facilitating meditations in person and online for many years. See which radio programs Lee-Anne has coming up next at
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