Words of Wisdom
It is Time!
10th June 2011
Hi everyone!
Thank you for joining me here for my Words of Wisdom. For those of you who are new to these words, don’t expect Words of Wisdom to arrive on the same day every month or week. I am a flowing Goddess and create these words when I feel I have something worthwhile to say and help you with. So I trust that you will receive what you need from this energy and these words for you.
If you have been struggling lately, please absorb the love and support you require from this expression of love to you. These continue to be very intense times as we are getting ‘warmed up.’ Think about it... so much has happened since we hit 2011, how would you have coped with what you are going through now, if it happened in 2010? Much differently I am sure. We are growing thicker skin and are becoming more resilient. So please know you will get through this time as you learn these great lessons.
This has been a huge month for me, with the worldwide release of my first published book on the 30th of May, I started a new year of my life and have so many projects and things happening. My book flew across the globe last week as 73 books landed home. I am overwhelmed by the wonderful reports I have been receiving from my book, thank you so much everyone.
And for those of you who are asking and who don’t know, yes I have another book coming out. In fact I finished writing it before Tempe of Balance the book was here. So next month my second book will be off to the printers and pre-orders will be open at the end of July for a very exciting book titled ~ Aligning with the Speed of Light. It is a guide to ascension and I just love this book.
Today has been a day surrounded with truth. Truth to the core. Everywhere I turn today people are flying and deepening their truth connection, which is amazing to witness. I have seen people who are standing in their truth inspire others to fly into their truth as well. It is amazing. On the other side of the coin, I see that those people who are inauthentic or who have an ‘agenda’ are hiding out. Like rats seeking refuge in the dark tunnels, as the sun comes out and truth beams brightly.
Truth is an interesting subject and one I don’t take lightly too. For me, it is something I am very passionate about. I do feel that it is difficult to know what our individual truth is until we truly know who we are. So if this is an area you struggle with, I really recommend that you keep letting your old hurt and pain, those old wounds go and opening up more and more to the high vibrational energy, new ideas, love and expansion. This will help you know who you are, which in turn will help you know what you do and don’t want in life, thus helping you build your truth. To me, it is important that we be flexible, especially as our personal truth can alter as we gain more life experience. So being flexible is very important, however, when you have established something that is truthful for you, beam that truth, and beam your love. You don’t have to express your truth every five seconds, but you can just beam your truth, as energy, into all of your activities and actions. And when the time comes to stand up for your truth, you will do so out of love and not out of justification or validation.
So with this said, you may notice workplaces shuffle around as people establish the perfect ‘role’ for them, what does mirror their highest truth and integrity. This is so important... we must do our best in every moment, every action, every word live as our truest and most authentic self. By following our passions, living our dream and not holding back on those dreams. We all know that so much can change in an instant; it is time to stand up, shake off those old wounds and commit to your purpose in life.
Don’t get too far ahead of yourself when it comes to your purpose. I see many people focused on the outcome and not the journey. To me, our purpose is now... living every moment to its fullest now! Yes, we can have dreams, goals and visions for our future, and I also feel these are very important, however, if we can hold those visions, and bring our focus on now... how can we start manifesting our dreams today! How can we live a happy life today!
Breathe using the power of your breath to help build courage within you to make changes, to let go of anything that isn’t your truth, anything that tears you down or lowers your energy. Work on building your inner strength and courage so you can step into fear, making fear your friend. When you make fear your friend you take out the conflict and suddenly it is that little bit easier to step forward. You can do it!
This is a huge event that is gaining momentum. Please join us through intention, celebration, ceremony etc during this period as often as you feel drawn to help us ground and anchor this high vibrational energy to our planet; it’s time to manifest. No-one is going to save us; we are the ones who can do this. If you feel inclined please join us;
Starting on 21st June ~ 1st August 2011.
Comments about this book!
'Loving the book Lee-Anne up to chapter 8, you are an inspiring women and one of my biggest inspirations, you rock :-) thankyou.' L.B. Australia
'Had a sneak peek of the book and I cant put it down...I am supposed to be cooking dinner.' P.C. Australia
'I was very excited and I couldn't keep my hands off your book... so I started to read it.. and I’m nearly done now, with maybe only a chapter to go.. and it's so amazing.. It's just so so loving and healing, I couldn't emphasize enough.' J.S. Australia
Temple of Balance the book available now worldwide for only AUD$24.95 plus postage. ORDER your book today or you can learn more about Temple of Balance the book HERE
With the birth of my Healing Energy Cards facebook page only 12wks ago, my cards have been walking out the door. I am down to my last 100 packs of the 1st edition, and upon sale of them I will be fine tuning them into a 2nd edition.
I am noticing that the more people who work with them, the more powerful they are becoming. So if you haven’t got your cards out for a while, dust them off and see what beautiful energy they can offer you in your life.
One lady had her shoulder repaired this week after her son rubbed one of the Healing Energy Cards on her shoulder! I haven’t tried this yet, but will when I need to...
Learn more about Healing Energy Cards here...
Melbourne tour for July
Cory and I are coming to Melbourne in July for Private double healing sessions on Sat 2nd July (at this moment, there are only 3 private sessions left) and our Spiritual Surgery Practitioners course on Sun 3rd July (several places still available). See more details below...
My regular program slot: Thursday’s at 8pm Sydney time. London Thurs 11am. Pacific time (US) Thurs 3am. (new times due to time changes) See worldclock
All you need is internet access...
Temple of Balance – Your Sacred Place on Reflect Radio
Sydney - Thurs 23th June – 8pm
London – Thurs 23rd June – 11am
Pacific (US) – Thurs 23rd June – 3am
HOST: Lee-Anne
Length: 60 mins
Cost: FREE
Meditation Hour – Shamanic Drumming Journey on Reflect Radio
Sydney - Thurs 30th June – 8pm
London – Thurs 30th June – 11am
Pacific (US) – Thurs 30th June – 3am
HOST: Lee-Anne
Length: 60 mins
Cost: FREE
More upcoming programs See here
Listen to the archives of Lee-Anne’s Programs here
NEW Temple of Balance Oracle Card
Guidance from our friends in spirit
Created by: Lee-Anne Peters
‘Trust the flow as your move in and out of phases in your life. Allow and flow.’
Kea is reminding us of how a leaf glides in the breeze, or even a bird for that matter. If you are struggling in any area of your life right now, consider if you are allowing or controlling... and if it is the later, surrender and soften your control and let go. Trust the flow of your life.
Temple of Balance Oracle Cards - Available worldwide September / October 2011. Stay tuned for more information soon.
Tips to help you this week:
· Align with your truth
· Let go of anything that does not mirror your highest integrity
· Do one thing at a time if you feel overwhelmed
· Ask someone you trust for help
· Trust the flow
· Open to love
Confirmed Events (in order of event):
Private Healing Sessions with Cory and Lee-Anne
When: Sat 2nd July 2011
Where: Wantirna South, Melbourne, Australia
Times: 45mins (10am – 5.30pm)
Learn more HERE
Register HERE
Spiritual Surgery Practitioners Course
When: Sun 3rd July 2011
Where: Wantirna South, Melbourne, Australia
Times: 10am – 4.30pm
Learn more HERE
Register HERE
Spiritual Surgery Practitioners Course
When: Sun 28th August 2011
Where: South Eastern Tasmania, Australia
Times: 10am – 4.00pm
Learn more HERE
Register HERE
Unlock your Soul’s Purpose, Power & Potential
Melbourne 5th – 11th Nov 2011
7 events over 7 days!
Basic info:
Location: Wantirna South, Victoria.
Positions: registrations are open now
Travel information (International or national): see here
Day 1 Sat 5th Nov 2011
Base chakra activation – physical / grounding
Day 2 Sun 6th Nov 2011
Sacral chakra activation – creativity and emotions
Day 3 Mon 7th Nov 2011
Solar Plexus chakra activation – personal power
Day 4 Tues 8th Nov 2011
Heart chakra activation – love of self
Day 5 Wed 9th Nov 2011
Throat chakra activation – expression, truth, sound
Day 6 Thurs 10th Nov 2011
Third eye chakra activation – intuition, trust
Day 7 Fri 11th Nov 2011
Crown chakra activation – connections, oneness
Registrations are open now.
Inquiries please email mail@templeofbalance.com
If you want to experience change, healing and growth in a loving and nurturing space, then why not book and experience first hand what we have to share. We have feedback signed by attendees, and attendees who repeat events because they love soaking up the atmosphere. Check out our feedback, view our previous events gallery and the events we currently have on offer. If you would like to propose an event in your area, please email mail@templeofbalance.com
'Let the rules go, let the habits go, let the running to time go. You can do this. It will challenge everything you ever knew or learned about your reality, but it is imperative that you get back in control of your life and to do this your body holds the key.'
Lee-Anne Peters | Aligning with the Speed of Light (book)
Please share your stories, and journey anytime,
Remember everything within this newsletter is a guide only and should never replace your intuition, medical or legal advice and what feels right within your heart.
Please share this newsletter with whomever you feel may benefit.
You can ‘subscribe’ and ‘unsubscribe’ on website here. You also have options to change your email address etc.
Thank you so much for connecting,
In Wholeness & Harmony,
Founder of: Temple of Balance