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Wednesday, 24 August 2011

E-Course Available 19 Sept - 10 Oct 2011

Empowering E-Course
Aligning with the Speed of Light – A Guide to Ascension! 

Align deeper with the Speed of Light! Heal, Let Go, Reclaim your Power & Live your Dream!! Connect in with this E-Course anywhere around the world! Based on Lee-Anne’s popular book – Aligning with the Speed of Light!

A 4 part series over a 4 week period!

Come to All, Some or One part!

19th Sept - 10th Oct 2011

Part 1Absolute Alignment – Letting Go!!
  • Release your Karma once and for all! 
  • Clearing out the old from your life!
  • Learn various tools to help you Self-Heal!
  • Discover how to calm your mind!
  • Connect in with the Universal mind!
  • Bonus: Healing Meditation (to help you let go). Download and work with it during the week to help you integrate the energy.
  • Includes Q & A
Starts: Monday 19th Sept 2011
Times (choose 1): 10am or 8pm (SYD - time zones below)
Length: 1.5 – 2hrs

Part 2Absolute Alignment – Activation!
  • Activate your ability to be the Creator of your life!
  • Connect deeper with your Chakras!
  • Use crystals for memory recall and to help you!
  • Rainbow Lights and getting into complete Alignment!
  • Replace any fear with LOVE!
  • Bonus: Healing Meditation (to help you get into complete alignment). Download and work with it during the week to help you integrate the energy.
  • Includes Q & A
Starts: Monday 26th Sept 2011
Times (choose 1): 10am or 8pm (SYD - time zones below)
Length: 1.5 – 2hrs

Part 3Speed of Light – Ascension!
  • The Earth’s Ascension!
  • Ascension Symptoms and how to flow with them!
  • Balance your mind, body, emotions and spirit!
  • Access your Lightbody!
  • Get into the Alignment of your Truth!
  • Bonus: Healing Meditation (to help you balance and activate your truth). Download and work with it during the week to help you integrate the energy.
  • Includes Q & A
Starts: Monday 3rd Oct 2011
Times (choose 1): 10am or 8pm (SYD - time zones below)
Length: 1.5 – 2hrs

Part 4Speed of Light – Unity Consciousness!
  • Learn about Time Acceleration and using it to help you!
  • Discover the tools to help you reach your highest potential!
  • Connect with realms beyond this time / space!
  • Access the 11:11 Gateway and raise your energy vibration!
  • Claim your place within Unity Consciousness!
  • Bonus: Healing Meditation (to help you open to your highest potential). Download and work with it during the week to help you integrate the energy.
  • Includes Q & A
Starts: Monday 10th  Oct 2011
Times (choose 1): 10am or 8pm (time zones below)
Length: 1.5 – 2hrs

All Parts / Sessions include a copy of that part you attended and a meditation download! All Parts / Sessions include a time for Q & A via the instant messaging facility! Two times to choose from, so you can join us no matter where you are in the world!

Times            Sydney          Los Angeles             Mumbai        London
10am             10am               5pm (Sunday)            5.30am            1am
8pm               8pm                 3am                              3.30pm           11am

All 4|               AUD$80 total ($20ea)
1,2 or 3 |          AUD$30ea
Bonus – Add resource material*:
            Aligning with the Speed of Light (book) AUD$20 incl shipping worldwide*
            Temple of Balance the book AUD$20 incl shipping worldwide*   

Book your place: HERE

Where -
E-Course is held on Skype – Download skype for free at or provide your landline worldwide for us to contact you during the time of the conference! Privacy is assured – it is recommended not to provide your phone number / skype username via facebook.

Questions? Contact Temple of Balance at
More specific information given at the time of booking your place!

Make the change today to really start living your best life!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Overlapping Worlds - 22:8:2011

Overlapping Worlds



Thanks again for connecting with these words of wisdom to you. Please take from these words what you require in the moment. If you are struggling right now in your life, look for any opportunity for growth that you can find. Expand your perceptions beyond the immediate. This may help you.

Make sure your inner truth detector is turned on! What I am sharing with you is my truth in this moment; however, it may not be your truth, so with these words and everything you read or are told, get into the habit of switching on that truth detector within your body, and trust what you feel. What is or isn’t your truth, doesn’t make something right or wrong, it is simply not for you in this moment and this is ok.

These past two days I have woken from my dream state, but still remained in it. It is very difficult to explain in words, but there have been dozens of tiny occurrences that are happening through my day, which are reminding me of my dream. These may be things I am doing, what I am hearing or what others are doing. I cannot pinpoint logically that part of the dream. So yesterday I was in awe of the surrealism of the day’s synchronicities. Today, I am flowing with it... today I have already noticed something amazing with this surreal part wake / dream state, and that is that it is like a heightened form of intuition. As I consider writing something, or doing something (like these words), I get this subtle, yet powerful déjà vu from my dreams, that are confirming it’s a ‘go!’...

Time is stretching and many people are finding that they are sleeping different lengths than usual and that the days seem longer or shorter... it all depends on our perceptions and the space we are moving through. It really is an individual thing, but one that many of us are feeling.

In my second book I talk a lot about ascension, expansion and time acceleration. I mention that most of us can acknowledge that we have been living in a world of duality and of separation. And everything that is based on separation must come to an end. Separation starts and ends! As we expand from that illusion of separation those realities begin to overlap and we merge deeper within Unity Consciousness. With Unity Consciousness there is no beginning or end, it is simple the ever expanding LOVE that unites everything.

With this present time warping, and the heightened intuition and synchronicities I see our worlds that used to be opposites (day / night – sleep / awake etc) are merging and overlapping together. This can be strange and surreal to begin with as we are so used to going to sleep... and then waking up... and for many of you might think I have lost my mind, and this I have. My ego and illusional way of thinking is dissolving at a rapid pace. My intuitive capabilities are switching on and are getting louder. The way we used to perceive cycles in life were separate... one cycle starts and the other ends... and that is how we perceive it from our limited mind. However, now we are expanding our awareness beyond these limitations and noticing that even the cycles are overlapping, and that each cycle contains the other cycles within it. One aspect may come to the forefront, however within that aspect are all things that make up that cycle.

Everything that I am sharing is connecting in with this strong déjà vu from my recent dreams, or maybe I am dreaming now. So I know more than ever before that what I am sharing is needed to be shared in this moment.

If you are still feeling caught loudly in the world of duality and separation, please do everything you can to let go and release these old wounds that you carry. You can do this easier than ever because it is critical to do so. If you don’t know where to start or how to start there are more people than ever willing to help you. Just please be cautious about giving your power away. Keep that truth detector turned on at all times, and be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. When you have reached that space of contentment throughout most of your day, then you are ready to focus on expanding your mind beyond all limitations. I talk about this a lot in my 2nd book and I recommend this highly right now.

You cannot expand further than your limitations... How far are you willing to expand your consciousness? Are you willing to expand beyond duality, beyond pain, war, poverty and into this grand connection that interweaves into all things?

Available worldwide now!
Aligning with the Speed of Light (book) – A Guide to Ascension! View
Temple of Balance the book View
Healing Energy Cards – 1st ed View

Coming soon!
Temple of Balance Oracle Cards View
Energetic Tarot (Lee-Anne & Shelli) View
~ Wednesdays (every 2nd) – Healing Guidance LIVE
~ Thursdays – Temple of Balance & Meditation Hour

Building Momentum ~ Reflect Radio!
All you need is internet access...

Temple of Balance – Who is your Spirit Guide on Reflect Radio
Sydney - Thurs 1st Sept – 8pm
London – Thurs 1st Sept – 11am
Pacific (US) – Thurs 1st Sept – 3am
HOST: Lee-Anne
Length: 90 mins
Cost: FREE

Meditation Hour – Stabilising with Elephant on Reflect Radio
Sydney - Thurs 8th Sept – 8pm
London – Thurs 8th Sept – 11am
Pacific (US) – Thurs 8th Sept – 3am
HOST: Lee-Anne
Length: 60 mins
Cost: FREE

*REFLECTIONS* Talks Back on Reflect Radio
Sydney – Mon 12th Sept – 1pm
London – Mon 12th Sept – 4am
Pacific (US) – Sun 12th Sept – 8pm
HOST: Caithe, Lee-Anne & Shelli
Length: 60 mins
Cost: FREE

Healing Guidance LIVE on Reflect Radio
Sydney – Wed 14th Sept – 8pm
London – Wed 14th Sept – 11am
Pacific (US) – Wed 14th Sept – 3am
HOST: Lee-Anne
Length: 90 mins
Cost: FREE

More upcoming programs See here
Listen to the archives of Lee-Anne’s Programs here


Guidance from our friends in spirit

Created by: Lee-Anne Peters

Platypus - Action

‘Stay focused and take the appropriate steps to fulfil your mission. Platypus is full of zest and action, and is inspiring you to chase your dreams and to manifest your ideas. Consider your intentions as you find a way to get to where you are wanting to go in life.’ Lee-Anne

Temple of Balance Oracle Cards - Available worldwide Oct / Nov 2011. Stay tuned for more information soon.

Tips to help you this week:
·        Expand beyond your limitations
·        Let go and release
·        Embrace your passions and dreams
·        Live your best life in every moment

Confirmed Events (in order of event):

>>>Spiritual Surgery Practitioners Course
6 days to go!
When: Sun 28th August 2011
Where: South Eastern Tasmania, Australia
Times: 10am – 4.00pm
Learn more HERE
Register HERE

Unlock your Soul’s Purpose, Power & Potential
75 days to go!
Melbourne 5th – 11th Nov 2011
7 events over 7 days!
Basic info:
Travel information (International or national): see here

Day 1 Sat 5th Nov 2011
Return to your Corea shamanic healing day
Base chakra activation – physical / grounding

Day 2 Sun 6th Nov 2011
ReCreate your lifeunlock your creative abilities
Sacral chakra activation – creativity and emotions

Day 3 Mon 7th Nov 2011
Solar Plexus chakra activation – personal power

Day 4 Tues 8th Nov 2011
Nurture your heart and soulbalance your body, mind and emotions
Heart chakra activation – love of self

Day 5 Wed 9th Nov 2011
Harmonic Soundsawaken to higher consciousness
Throat chakra activation – expression, truth, sound

Day 6 Thurs 10th Nov 2011
DNA Activationunlocking your true potential
Third eye chakra activation – intuition, trust

Day 7 Fri 11th Nov 2011
Crown chakra activation – connections, oneness

Registrations are open now.
Inquiries please email

>>>Tasmania Healing Retreat – 5 nights, Live in!
When: Sat 10th – 15th March 2012
Where: South Eastern Tasmania, Australia
Limited numbers: 3 max
Learn more HERE
Register HERE

If you want to experience change, healing and growth in a loving and nurturing space, then why not book and experience first hand what we have to share. We have feedback signed by attendees, and attendees who repeat events because they love soaking up the atmosphere. Check out our feedback, view our previous events gallery and the events we currently have on offer. If you would like to propose an event in your area, please email


‘When you let go, YOU Create!
When you hold on, YOU Stagnate!’

Please share your stories, and journey anytime,

Remember everything within this newsletter is a guide only and should never replace your intuition, medical or legal advice and what feels right within your heart.

Please share this newsletter with whomever you feel may benefit.

You can ‘subscribe’ and ‘unsubscribe’ on website here. Or please reply with ‘unsubscribe’ in the title. You also have options to change your email address etc.

Thank you so much for connecting,

In Wholeness & Harmony,

Founder of: Temple of Balance