SATURDAY SALE - 24th March 2012! Ends Midnight - Sydney time!
If you would LOVE to order any original art listed below - you MUST be able to pay immediately - follow instructions with the artwork!
Please forward any questions to Lee-Anne (artist) at
After today's Saturday Sale - ALL unsold artwork will be back at the original price!
All SOLD work - will be marked as SOLD!
Artwork 1 - El-Ra - Spiritual Guide from the stars
EL-RA ~ Spiritual Guide
Drawn by Lee-Anne Peters (Willson)
8th Dec 2011
pastels & charcoal on paper
Size: 51cm x 63cm (portrait)
Original Price: AUD$100 + postage ($10 Aus)
SATURDAY SALE PRICE: AUD$80 + postage (SAVE $20)
For international shipping / price conversions please email me.
On sale until sold. First to contact me.
EL-RA holds her origins in the stars - as do you. EL-RA also walked on this Earth a long time ago in Ancient lands - as did you. EL-RA is here to help you remember who you are and to awaken those gifts that you have, and share them with the world.
Her message to you is one of remembering, love and connections, as EL-RA helps you open your heart you will also OPEN your connections on ALL levels.
EL-RA will assist you in your expansion and blossoming. Are you ready to free yourself and remember who you are?
How do you know if EL-RA is for you? Your body may let you know with a rush of energy or a feeling somewhere. You may also find that the message above is something you have asked about lately and you will feel an uncanny connection to this drawing. Especially her eyes I feel. Trust what you feel.. and if you are still unsure, tell EL-RA in your mind that you would like a clear sign and if she is still available tomorrow, next week or whatever, that she is waiting for you.
To purchase this drawing, be quick, it is sure to sell fast. First person to contact me via stating they would like to buy it, gets this drawing. Immediate PAYPAL payment required - please email for invoice. |
Artwork 2 - PURIFICATION - Letting Go!
SPEED OF LIGHT ORACLE - Original Artwork
Drawn by Lee-Anne Peters (Willson)
31st Dec 2011
pastels & charcoal on TEX texured art paper
Size: 74.5cm x 55cm (larger than the usual size paper I work on)
ORIGINAL Sale Price: AUD$160 + postage ($10 Aus) (extra shipping Overseas)SPEED OF LIGHT ORACLE - Original Artwork
Drawn by Lee-Anne Peters (Willson)
31st Dec 2011
pastels & charcoal on TEX texured art paper
Size: 74.5cm x 55cm (larger than the usual size paper I work on)
ORGINAL Sale Price: AUD$160 + postage ($10 Aus) (extra shipping Overseas)SATURDAY SALE PRICE: AUD$120 + postage (SAVE $40)
ORIGINAL on sale until sold.
This drawing contains a lot of purification and cleansing energy. As we allow ourselves to surrender and we are willing to let go, the energy of purification washes over us and washes the old debris away. We must be willing to surrender though, it will not happen if we hold on.
EXHALE and let go... soften the tension in your body and let go... loosen your grip / hold and let go... I KNOW you can do it! This drawing certainly will help you release too.
The blue spiral orb represents the unlocking of your energy, the loosening of the ties and unlimited potential coming into your aura.
The water below is dirty and carries away all debris and old energy.
The chakras are clearing and hollowing out, ready to embed the new. The golden light from above beams directly down into the 3rd eye chakra , clearing out blocks you have connecting with your intuition and trusting it.
Looking skyward, shows you are ready and willing to release today.
This special drawing will be a card within the Speed of Light Oracle deck - due for release in Dec 2012! Holding onto the Original from this deck could be a valuable investment in a few years to come, as this Oracle Deck spreads around the world!
To purchase this drawing, be quick, it is sure to sell fast. First person to contact me via stating they would like to buy it, gets this drawing. Immediate PAYPAL payment required - please email for invoice. | |
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Artwork 3 - FLOATING among the STARS
SPEED OF LIGHT ORACLE - Original Artwork
Drawn by Lee-Anne Peters (Willson)
2nd Feb 2012
pastels & charcoal on TEX texured art paper
Size: 75cm x 55cm (larger than the usual size paper I work on)
ORGINAL Sale Price: AUD$160 + postage ($10 Aus) (extra shipping Overseas)
SATURDAY SALE PRICE: AUD$120 + postage (SAVE $40)
ORIGINAL on sale until sold.
Have you ever imagined that you could lift free? Breaking free of your burdens, the 'dense' energy, your hurt, pain, the past or maybe your fears. This drawing will help you drop your baggage and fly free - breaking free and gaining a new perspective.
There is a sense of openness and allowing in this drawing as you open your heart, allow your hurts to be exposed so you can free yourself of them. As you let the heaviness go, you lighten your energy vibration and this is very symbolic in this floating drawing.
The stars represent the vastness of no time, the 'escaping' of situations or pressures or maybe even dreamtime.
The veil drops from you as you lighten your load and lighten your spirit, and you are drawn towards your dreams and passions in life.
The small amount of blue in the drawing signifies the search for truth. The red may represent passion or a physical situation. The white is symbolic of purification and cleansing of your spirit.
You have so much waiting for you, it's time to cast your doubts, burdens and heaviness aside and reach for the stars. :)
This special drawing will be a card within the Speed of Light Oracle deck - due for release in Dec 2012! Holding onto the Original from this deck could be a valuable investment in a few years to come, as this Oracle Deck spreads around the world!
To purchase this drawing, be quick, it is sure to sell fast. First person to contact me via stating they would like to buy it, gets this drawing. Immediate PAYPAL payment required - please email for invoice. |
SPEED OF LIGHT ORACLE - Original Artwork
Drawn by Lee-Anne Peters (Willson)
6th Fec 2012
pastels & charcoal on TEX texured art paper
Size: 75cm x 55cm (larger than the usual size paper I work on)
ORGINAL Sale Price: AUD$160 + postage ($10 Aus) (extra shipping Overseas)
SATURDAY SALE PRICE: AUD$120 + postage (SAVE $40)
ORIGINAL on sale until sold.
DOLPHIN is very serious, and encourages you to be too. As you leap into the air and embark on new creative ventures. DOLPHIN encourages you to take a leap of faith and to stop making excuses, it's time to get those creative ideas into the next phase - ACTION! For it's through action that it will manifest.
The SUN rises and gives birth to the new in your life. There is a lot of motivation and energy in this drawing, which will encourage you to leap forth - even if you dont fully know where you are going.
Any TRUST blocks / issues you have may come to the surface, however you are being asked to let them go and to free yourself of these blocks that hold you back from truly living and breathing who you are.
DOLPHIN says that its time to move to the next level, and the next level wont come through in action or waiting.. it only comes through action and the leaping into the unknown.
Having some water present in this drawing may indicate a rise in sensitivity at present. And the solar energy, represents the personal power present too... Together your emotions and your personal power will be the mixing force you need to EMBRACE this ACTION and flow with it.
This special drawing will be a card within the Speed of Light Oracle deck - due for release in Dec 2012! Holding onto the Original from this deck could be a valuable investment in a few years to come, as this Oracle Deck spreads around the world!
To purchase this drawing, be quick, it is sure to sell fast. First person to contact me via stating they would like to buy it, gets this drawing. Immediate PAYPAL payment required - please email for invoice. | |
SPEED OF LIGHT ORACLE - Original Artwork
Drawn by Lee-Anne Peters (Willson)
8th Fec 2012
pastels & charcoal on TEX texured art paper
Size: 55cm x 75cm (larger than the usual size paper I work on)
ORGINAL Sale Price: AUD$160 + postage ($10 Aus) (extra shipping Overseas)
SATURDAY SALE PRICE: AUD$120 + postage (SAVE $40)
ORIGINAL on sale until sold.
CRYSTAL BEACH came to me in my dreams a few nights ago. The water so luscious and the land so Sacred. It felt like it was in another world, which is evident by the 4 moons.
The LUNAR energy is strong in this drawing, reminding us of cycles, feminine energy and emotions.
The WATER represents your emotions and flow, reminding us to calm and centre our emotions when we retreat physically or using our imagination.
The enclosure of the beach represents a SAFE SPACE for you to be you... to receive healing... to reflect or to simply BE.
One of the most Sacred aspects of this drawing is the sandstone pillars to the left. These were very clear in my dream, as they taper back, being quite tall, but narrow. These are white sandstone, like the white sand, and these pillars I feel, hold much Sacred Knowledge. I see them as standing through time. They may represent record keepers - keeping your records from your whole existence.
The beach is lined with crystal and sparkling fragments of mineral. This represents the power stored here... the power that you can access through your intentions.
By the water to the left are green plants that look like Aloe Vera - and I feel they are very healing for old wounds.
This is a wonderful place to visit in meditation or your imagination for healing, reconnection with self, the honouring of your feminine energy and your creative flow. It is a sacred safe place for you to remember!
This special drawing will be a card within the Speed of Light Oracle deck - due for release in Dec 2012! Holding onto the Original from this deck could be a valuable investment in a few years to come, as this Oracle Deck spreads around the world!
To purchase this drawing, be quick, it is sure to sell fast. First person to contact me via stating they would like to buy it, gets this drawing. Immediate PAYPAL payment required - please email for invoice. |
Thank you for supporting my work! Stay tuned for our SALE DAY every Saturday! Lee-Anne Peters (Artist)
Lee-Anne Peters is an author, artist, mentor, speaker and radio host who has her highly sought after artwork hanging in homes and workplaces around the world! Lee-Anne's artwork is featured in her 'Healing Energy Cards' and 'Temple of Balance Oracle Cards.' Learn more about Lee-Anne at
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