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Friday 16 December 2011

I Am - I Allow! 16th December 2011

Words of Wisdom

I Am – I Allow!!
Special update: Friday 16th December 2011


It’s only been a few days since my last words of wisdom, and I really don’t like sending too many messages in a short space, however, this message and what I have been sensing for these past couple of days is being felt by many and I felt it was important to share. As always please take on what feels right to you, and let the rest go. Please feel the love, support, strength and whatever else you need in this moment pour into your heart from this message from my heart. You are never alone and you are ALWAYS loved!

After such a heightened energy space many of us have slipped into what I like to call: ‘The Great Pause!’ During this great pause there is little motivation, little action, but more rest, slow movement and lessons to be learned. Lessons may be loud and seem to be coming forth from a space of mis-communication! And this reminds us that no matter who we are and what we are doing it is essential, more than EVER before to communicate from our heart and truth. When we communicate based on fear, and then things seem to fall apart! So please be aware of this during these coming days. Align and communicate your Truth!

Also, we have this space of PAUSE... or as one of my friends said today, it’s like she has been in ‘Wombat Mode!’ ~ in this pause we may feel anti-social, unmotivated and sleepy. For many of us, we are feeling good, and are in alignment with our body, trusting it during this transition phase. We are waiting for the green light – the ‘go-ahead’ and when we get it, it will be full steam ahead. Because we are so close to moving quickly into the next phase, we are pausing NOW to allow our energy to gather and accumulate. We are preparing to step forward into what will be a HUGE lead into 2012 for many of us!

As we PAUSE and wait... getting some bits and pieces done, reading a book or reflecting in our journal... much is occurring behind the scenes. The ‘higher’ part of you is working overtime to lay things out and to lay the hidden foundations down, which will reveal themselves soon.

For those of you who aren’t in the PAUSE but who are struggling, please do everything you can to SURRENDER the old and expired in your life and to COMMIT, through action, to your truth and dreams. There is no time to waste... it is essential that as many people as possible are in alignment with their highest potential as we flow into 2012.

These last days of 2011 are full of grand opportunity for healing, growth and alignment!! For those of us living our wildest dreams now, we are in this waiting mode! As we wait, we HOLD the space for those letting go and releasing their fear to embrace the unknown! As we HOLD this space, we ALWAYS beam out LOVE into your heart and life. We KNOW beyond any doubt ever that YOU have the ability, the power and all the resources you could ever need to step into your DREAMS today!! The longer you put this off the harder and louder the contrast will become!! There is no time like NOW!!

I feel that things will start to accelerate a few days either side of the upcoming Solstice on 21/22 December 2011. This is when we ascend into our Great Path! Your Great Path will be FULL of your deepest desires in life – as long as they are in alignment with your truth and heart!

ALLOW yourself to FLOW during this phase! Your body absolutely knows what you need to do in preparation for the next phase of your life – so PLEASE trust your beautiful Temple! Go gently, be kind to you, drink lots of fresh water and do your best not to get caught in your mind projections. It can be very easy to place expectations, fears, worries or doubts on what may or may not happen for you personally. The best thing you can do is release ALL resistances and ALLOW FLOW IN!!! When you ALLOW FLOW, you remove conflict and AMAZING things open up for you!

I am sure I will share with you more during this phase as we transition into 2012! 2011 sure has been the Year of Manifestation!! 2012 will be The Year of Miracles!!

Follow the Compass of Your Heart!
All my Love,
Lee-Anne Peters